Thursday 20 May 2010

Romeo and Juliet

As part of their study on the works of William Shakespeare, Year 6 produced a super assembly today, performing the tragic story of Romeo and Juliet to an enthralled audience! All the children performed brilliantly and everyone was entertained by some appropriately tragic music chosen by Mr Barrow!
Well done everyone! Hope you enjoy the photos!

The Prince of Verona warning his people that he will tolerate no more fighting between the Capulets and the Montagues.

The Prince of Verona played by Daniel

Romeo and Tybalt cross swords with tragic consequences.

Romeo and Tybalt played by Thys and Jack

The tragedy unfolds as Romeo takes his life believing that Juliet was already dead.
Romeo and Juliet played by Thys and Amy.


Mrs Shearer said...

It was a super assembly. I can't believe that you had only had 3 days to learn it a rehearse it! Fantastic effort.

Mrs Dixon said...

I agree Mrs Shearer - I thought I was watching something at the Globe theatre! We have some budding actors and actresses in year 6! Well done everyone!

Emily.H said...

I agree as well Mrs Shearer ~ Great acting and an amazing choice of music.

JARRED.F said...

The assembly was really good i loved it when they were fighting

Alanah.h said...

the assembly was great i loved it so much that i wish i was in that assembly with you all. Love the music Mr barrow la la la.

Jamie cr said...

I loved it well done.