Tuesday 25 May 2010

Faith Bebbington

Year 5 have been lucky enough to work with a fantastic artisit named Faith Bebbington. Today we made model people and even dressed them! We only used two pieces of wire, newspaper and tape! Tomorrow we are finishing our amazing sculptures and you will be able to see the completed sculpture on our Music, Drama and Art afternoon on Friday!! Thankyou Faith for an excellent and excting day!
Year 5


Marcie, Class 5 said...

I had great fun while I was at school ... I was ill half way through the lesson.

Mrs.Moore said...

Well done year 5 these look super~ could you make me one?!

JARRED.F said...

well done year 5 they look fantastic

Alanah.H said...

wow they look so cool I wish i was there with you to make them.

Alanah.h said...

cool can you make me one please