Monday 19 April 2010

A Fresh Start

Today, year 5, received the Olympic torch from year 6. They proudly strolled around the school grounds holding the olympic torch with pride. They were honoured that they could hold something so great!
Year 5 have researched what Greece is like as a country today and created some tourist guides.
Keep a look out on the blog for more information about our Olympic theme.
Thanks Year 5


holly said...

it was realy fun i got to know some new things

Anonymous said...

Can you please issue the answers to the Easter quiz. Thought it unfair that 2 members of a family should each win an egg. It was obvious they were going to have the same answers.

Emily.H said...


Mrs White said...

Thank you for your comment regarding the Easter quiz. It was discussed at the CSA meeting today and they will be writing a letter in response.