Wednesday 21 April 2010

Class 3: The River Game

Class 3 were set the challenge of crossing an imaginary river using a set of hoops. The children had to use one smaller hoop to link the larger hoops together. However they had to get everyone across and were not allowed to throw the small hoop.

Good problem solving skills!
Quick pass the hoop here!

Working together as a team to get everyone across 'the river'!


Emily.H said...

I loved playing the river game it was great.

JARRED.F said...

It was really fun playing that game and I had real fun playing it too

Charotte.G said...

It was realy fun going across the river and it was realy nice to work as a team

Mrs Howe said...

Good to see the children outside having fun and learning at the same time - looked like great fun

Alanah.h said...

Doing the river game was a real good game to play and it took a lot of team work i enjoyed every second of it.

Alanah.h said...

Doing the river game was good i enjoyed it. And it good to some emphasize in us. come on !!OWLS!!.