Wednesday 3 March 2010

A Royal Visitor!

Last Thursday, Year four had a royal visitor! King Henry VIII surprised the children in classes 3 and 4 when he announced ' Arise my loyal subjects' as he stomped into the hall. The children could not believe their eyes as stood in front of them was the most realistic impersonator of King Henry VIII, Good King Hal.
The day started with an interesting talk about Tudor Monarchs, Tudor life, The wives of Henry VIII and lots of gossip about life in the Tudor palaces. Following this talk the children were challenged to complete a quiz on the information learnt~ Well Done to Jack. H who scored 20/20! The children were also given the chance to design their own Coat of Arms. Everything was going well until out came the stocks~ which children were going to be punished?!Alex. M and Natasha. M were placed in the stocks along with Mrs. Moore. But that was not the end of the punishments~ poor Jacob.D was called out and used to demonstrate how Tudors were Hung, Drawn and Quartered and we were shown how people who begged were treated with Jack.H being branded with a hot poker (not really).
The day ended with a fantastic jousting tournament between the boys and girls with the winning team being: Chloe.P, Keira.E and Millie.W WELL DONE GIRLS!
A brilliant, fun, educational day was had by all.


Jacks mum said...

What a fantastic day for the year 4 children to spend a day with Good King Hal and bring history to life. Jack loved the day and was talking about it all evening.

Good King Hal was brilliant and very funny.

Anonymous said...

I remember doing this when i was at Coalway~ it was the best day of school.

Emily.H said...

I had an exiting day. It brought history to life. I wish I could live the day again!

Alanah.h said...

The day was absolutely outstanding I never had a lot of fun like that before.

Megan said...

You are the best henry I have ever seen I thought it was an outstanding! Thant you very much.

harri said...

King hal made the day much better than it was going to be and at the end we even had a jousting tornament.

JARRED.F said...

That looks really fun too bad i wasnt there

Jack H said...

it was a great day my ear is still burning from the hot poker.

Good King Hal was just like Henry VIII and he was very funny.

Charlotte.G said...

I loved the day it was outstanding there could of not been nthing like this in the whole world!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

look nice
natasha you look good

HANNAH E said...


Rhys W said...

I't was the most best ever!!!!!!

Cleo.H. said...

I can remember this i went in the stoks!!!

EMILY H said...


hannahe class 5 said...

i loved it when he came hope he did not scare you hahaha =/

Alanah.h said...

I wish every day could be like that.

Alanah.h said...

It was one of the best days of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!