Monday 15 March 2010

Launch Pad Programming

This week, year 5 have been working hard with their ICT skills.

They had to programme and sequence a set of traffic lights to launch a space rocket!

Great work!


HANNAH E said...


Anonymous said...

Hi, It was very fun but at the same time very hard,

Emily.H said...

Keep up the ICT!

JARRED.F said...

That looks very hard and well done year 5

Charlotte.G said...

That looks hard but fun. Keep up the hard work year 5 (:

Cleo.H. said...

Heyy this was very fun but hard THANK YOU MISS HUGHES

emily h said...

it was fun but hard putting the arrows on.

S.B said...

It was fun thanks to Miss Hughs I wish I could do it again.