Tuesday 30 March 2010

Fabulous Fairground Rides

Today year 6 have been designing and developing their own fairground rides based on their own thoughts and ideas.
We had a fantastic day learning new design technology skills and how to implement them into our own projects.


Anonymous said...

Today was the BEST ! I love DT and making my own ideas :D


Mrs Shearer said...

Fantastic work year 6. It looks like you have been very busy. I can't wait to see your fairground rides, they look wonderful.
Mrs Shearer

hannah class5 said...

that looks fun hope you liked it =]

JARRED.F said...

Them fair ground rides look very good well done year 6

Alanah.h said...

Wow!!! they look great.

Layoni♥ said...

It was fun!

Anonymous said...

I loved doing DT they where quite hard to do !!!!

Harriette x

Anonymous said...

Yeah it was great but i think we all come accross some problems but managed to sort them out. I would love to do it again

holly said...

love it year6 i can't wait till we do a day of dt

Anonymous said...

omg, i can remember that it was hard at first but then it got waay easier :) look at my face !!! lol we had alot of good times making those XD xx

Tasha :L