Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Fabulous Fairground Rides

Today year 6 have been designing and developing their own fairground rides based on their own thoughts and ideas.
We had a fantastic day learning new design technology skills and how to implement them into our own projects.

Friday, 26 March 2010

Space Day!

Today, year 5 have embarked upon a space day - a day to celebrate all things spacey!

The day started off with everyone in year 5 coming into school dressed up as aliens, spacemen and stars (to name but a few!)

They have spent the day trying out lots of different fun activities, including:

  • Baking Space Rock Cakes
  • Trying Space Food
  • Making an alien animation
  • Watching a space film and
  • Space senses

"I think Space day is really good and I have had lots of fun!" said Skye.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Super Blogging!

A massive thank you to all of you who make comments on our school Blog site.

Since September, over 80 posts have been added, showing all the fantastic work that has being going on in our school! Amazing!

Please let us know if you have any ideas that you would like to see on the blog!

Mrs Dixon :)

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Learning about life

This week, each class is getting a chance to spend time on the Gloucestershire Life Education bus.

Today was the chance for class 5.
Anita (and Harold!) told us all about:

The different systems in the human body
Drugs (legal and illegal), alcohol and smoking
Friendship –passive and assertive behaviour

We learnt loads of new facts in a fun and exciting way! Here are some photo's to show what it was like!

Harold telling a joke!

Using our brains to do something new

Copying passive behaviour

Showing Mrs Dixon and Mrs Hoare our most aggressive faces! (scary!)

Learning to use our assertive behaviour!

Monday, 15 March 2010

Launch Pad Programming

This week, year 5 have been working hard with their ICT skills.

They had to programme and sequence a set of traffic lights to launch a space rocket!

Great work!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Class 6 Reading Assembly

Class 6 wrote and performed their own assembly on reading. It was a fun, interesting assembly with a great acrostic reading rap written by the class. The assembly ended with Jack reading a bedtime story to the whole school!
Class 6 also introduced the Coalway Junior School reading challenge. By reading 26 different things and having them signed by an adult you can be in with the chance of winning a £5 WHSmith voucher and helping your team win the Reading challenge cup!!
Well done Class 6 ~ you are all fab!!!

Knex Challenge

10th February 2010

It was challenge time in year 6 as 'Knex' came to Coalway. The task....... design a moon buggy capable of carrying equipment whilst not breaking your back through the lack of suspension!
Some amazing achievements although we think that Mrs Shearer and Mrs Evans might need some tips in the future!


Friday, 5 March 2010

Board game challenge!

This week, year 5 have been designing and making 'space' themed board games.

Both classes 5 and 6 put a huge amount of effort into making their games fun, unique and well presented. They then wrote instructions on how to play them.

The two classes swapped their games over and followed each others instructions to see how well they had written them! It was a great chance for children to show off their great writing skills and to learn what they were doing well when writing instructions.

Well done year 5!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

A Royal Visitor!

Last Thursday, Year four had a royal visitor! King Henry VIII surprised the children in classes 3 and 4 when he announced ' Arise my loyal subjects' as he stomped into the hall. The children could not believe their eyes as stood in front of them was the most realistic impersonator of King Henry VIII, Good King Hal.
The day started with an interesting talk about Tudor Monarchs, Tudor life, The wives of Henry VIII and lots of gossip about life in the Tudor palaces. Following this talk the children were challenged to complete a quiz on the information learnt~ Well Done to Jack. H who scored 20/20! The children were also given the chance to design their own Coat of Arms. Everything was going well until out came the stocks~ which children were going to be punished?!Alex. M and Natasha. M were placed in the stocks along with Mrs. Moore. But that was not the end of the punishments~ poor Jacob.D was called out and used to demonstrate how Tudors were Hung, Drawn and Quartered and we were shown how people who begged were treated with Jack.H being branded with a hot poker (not really).
The day ended with a fantastic jousting tournament between the boys and girls with the winning team being: Chloe.P, Keira.E and Millie.W WELL DONE GIRLS!
A brilliant, fun, educational day was had by all.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Library Opening

Today was the official opening of the new Coleford Library and our school was invited.
Class 6 made the visit today and over the coming weeks we are hoping that each class will visit. The libary has lots of new books and even a Wii!!Class 6 were very impressed with the library, which even has an internet cafe. The library is decorated in funky colours and even has 'doughnut' shaped rings so you can sit on the carpet and read a good book.
A big thank you to Mrs Duggan for inviting us.
Class 6

Rocket Launch

As promised space fans, here are some photos of the dramatic rocket launch.
Brodie, in class 5, won the prize for the furthest rocket trip.
We all enjoyed getting wet and the afternoon was a blast!!!!!
Year 5