Friday 29 January 2010

Run Forest (of Dean) Run!!

On December 4th 2009, George, James, Kieran, Jordan, Kirsten and Hannah from year 6 and Nathan from year 5, represented Coalway Junior School at Heywood School cross country event.

Here is a report of the event by James, who not only is a great runner but a brilliant reporter too!

"Everyone got warmed up and saw the track. Finally the race started with 67 girls and 66 boys. The boys were up first and many people rushed off but some fell back. Three quarters of the way through the first lap James managed to get into first place on the outside. A lap had gone and James was still in first and had Kieran, who was from Redmarley, chasing him down. With just 20 meters to go James had a great lead and he went to wrong way! The boy behind was sprinting as fast as he could but James just snatched the win! Nathan came 18th and Kieran finishing 20th.

Up next the girls. The only two Coalway girls were Hannah and Kirsten. The race started and both Kirsten and Hannah had a good start, they must have been 15th and 16th. All the way through the race the girls stuck together and finished the race in 37th and 40th. A big WELL DONE for everyone who competed in the races and helped to cheer on Coalway."


JARRED.F said...

Well done to james winnig that race

Robyn said...

Wow well done to you all :) xxxx
from Robyn xxx

Chloe Class7 said...

Great, i bet you haad fuun. I am so glad i did'nt have to run, i would of died. LOL. congrats to JAMES


Gina - Class 7 said...

Yhh well done JAMES superb work !! Also well done to all the other runners !

Danny said...

Well done james what a great achievment well done to all the other runners who did realy well

Anonymous said...

Well done james what a great achievment well done to all the reunners :) and especally (sp)? you james (:

Anonymous said...

Whoo! I did great! Well done to all the other runners who did great as well as me

James P

Alanah.h said...

Well done guys you did really well.