Wednesday 4 November 2009

Year 5’s Fantastic Suprise!

On the 2nd of November, year five had a Victorian afternoon. Mrs. Dixon and Miss. Frowen were dressed up as Victorian teachers. Miss. Frowen had the boys who had to walk with their hands behind their backs and Mrs. Dixon had the girls who had to walk with their hands by their side.

Some of the badly behaved girls had punishments. Girls, girls, girls, they have to be a little naughty. The girls had to read out loud to the class and if they got stuck on a word it was tough luck so they had to sound it out.

The boys were naughty and got more punishments then the girls. Boys, boys, boys, how rude to be naughty. They drew stuff on slates and learnt a lot of things.

Every person, boy and girl, enjoyed every lesson. Everyone did the three R’s which are Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. We also did drill which is exercising.

It was a good day and we would love to do it again!!!!!!
By Megan and Skye, Class 5


JARRED.F said...

That sounds really good, it must of been fun.

Gina Class 7 said...

Woww I Can Remember Doin This Well Somthing Like It !

Chloe Class7 said...

LOL I Remember Doing That It Was really Funny
I remember At The End Of It The Teachers Told Us
That They Were Outside Laughing at us . It Was Fun Though
Hope You Had A Good Day

Hannah Kay Class8 Rocks!!!!x said...

Wow I remember victorian school day In year 5 it was scary as miss frowen can act very very well but us girls managed ,somehow!?!?
Hannah K...LOL.XXX

charlotte said...