Friday 6 November 2009


A huge thank you to everyone who sent in their coppers for the Seeds for Africa Appeal. The year 4 children had a great time filling in the outlines of fruit and vegetables! As you can see from the photographs there is a huge number of coppers (and some silver and even a couple of pound coins) to count so we will let you know the total raised when we have finished counting!
Thank you again to everyone who donated to this appeal.
From everyone in year 4


JARRED.F said...

it was really putting the coins in the food

Emily.H said...

I liked filling each veg or fruit up. I was amazed at how much money we had raised. I liked counting it to.

Madison P said...

Filling in the fruit and veg was so much fun.

Alanah.h said...

filling the fruit in was fun.we raised so much money.

Anonymous said...

I hope you raised lots of money. It looks like you did.

jamie c said...

irelly liked putting out the mony on the fruit and veg we raised a lot of mony

millie said...

Hopfully people in Africa
will have a lott more monny