Tuesday 10 November 2009

Parents Get Lost! (PGL)

Year 5 have just returned from a FANTASTIC weekend at PGL, Marchants Hill, in Surrey!

Over the weekend, we got up to loads of fun and sometimes scary activities, including:

  • Giant Swing
  • Zip Wire
  • Power Fan
  • Abseiling
  • Quad Biking
  • Rifle Shooting
  • Initiative Exercises
  • Ambush
  • Orienteering
  • Jacob's Ladder
  • Aeroball
  • Whacky Races
  • Disco

Here are some pictures of what we got up to!

The children were impeccably behaved all weekend, so much so, that the instructors all wanted Coalway Junior School children in their activity groups! What does it say - Coalway Junior School really is the best!

Watch out for some more about our fantastic weekend away, including some films of the activities and our thoughts about our time away!


Emily.H said...

That looks so much fun I can't wait until I get into Year 5. Were the activities exiting to do?
I hope Year 5's had a fantastic weekend at PGL.

charlotte said...

WOW i wish i was there it lookes soo fun hopefully you had realy good fun

JARRED.F said...

wow quad bikes wicked they look really fun

hvl said...

looks like u had lots of fun

Madison P said...

PGL lookes really fun and next year i want to do it.I would like to try the power fan and the zip wire.

Alanah.h said...

hope you all hade fun.I whish I was

jamie c said...

pgl looks really good and i cant wait intill im in year five

J.K.L said...

All these activities look really cool (and a bit scary) there must have been some brave kids - seems like everyone had a great trip - look forward to seeing more next year!!

Anonymous said...

Cool pictures looks like you had fun wwe went last year and had a great time hope you did bet you were tired but well worth it!!!!!
Hannah K
Class 8

Chloe Class7 said...

i pope you' all had a great time!!!
i bet it was really fun!!

Madison Foxwell said...

PGL was amazing and if you get the chance next year you want to go it was great.The big swing nearly made me wet myself it was really scary,but great at the same time.

Mrs Dixon said...

Ha ha Madison - I forgot how much of a funny face you pulled on the giant swing!! Glad you enjoyed it!

old coalway kid said...

i went before it was great fun im ssooo jelaus........ :/

emily h said...

i really enjoyed it and it was a good experience.

Grant.R said...

wish I went now I have mised all the fun

Marcie, Class 7 x said...

I am a year late to comment but ... oh well.
I really loved PGL, I was in the room next to Mrs Dixon so we had to be really quiet!!!
I really miss Mrs Dixon now though