Monday 24 August 2009

The start of something new...

Hello and welcome along to a new feature of the Coalway School website. This blog site is intended to show you all the fantastic things that are going on in the school, throughout the year. Posts will be made by pupils and staff and we hope that you enjoy staying up to date with all the brilliant work we do here!

Happy blogging,

Mrs Dixon and Mrs Evans


Rhys W said...

That was really nice of you Mrs Dixon And Mrs Evans that really gives the school a brighter future

Emily.H said...

This will be gret

Emily.H said...

It's a really good system of seing what each year group have been doing and all the work they have produced.

britney.x said...

hello,britney here i left 2011 and im missing miss frowen and mr b all ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

have a nice wedding mrs mayson!!!!!!!!!!!!!
