Thursday 23 December 2010

Inter-school sporting challenge

Year 5 pupils were invited by Mr. Tomley, from Lakers School, to RFDC leisure centre to take part in a fun inter-school sporting challenge. The children took part in a variety of team races and individual challenges such as long jump and throwing skills. Our school was divided into three teams and each team was assigned a Sports Leader from the college. It was a great morning with all the pupils taking part and having lots of fun.

Thursday 9 December 2010

On Friday 3rd December Year 5 experienced real Victorian School lessons from reciting poems and singing hymns to writing on chalk boards and reading from the Bible. The children were under strict rules: they were not allowed to speak, fidget or even put their hand up! Some children even got punished and had to wear the 'D' hat at the back of the classroom. A fun afternoon was had by all, although it was slightly scary!