Monday 20 September 2010

Treasure Island

Mrs.Cartwright dancing with a pirate!

On the 20th September a theatre company called M and M came to do a play for us called Treasure Island. I thought it was really good because there were only 5 actors and they played all the different characters in the story. I found it amazing how they could get changed so quickly and also how they changed the backgrounds for each of the different scenes. I liked the character Jim Hawkins because she was a really good actor and had lots of words to learn.

I would love for them to come and do another play for us here at Coalway because they were BRILLIANT!!!!
Millie Walker

Friday 17 September 2010

Rainbow Groups

Today we started our rainbow groups again. Todays session was all about getting to know each other and working on developing our team building skills. We all had lot's of fun and enjoyed meeting our new rainbow group teacher. Next week we are continuing our theme on team building skills. Check out the blog next friday for pictures of our team building games!!

Aztec Food Tasting

Year 6 tasted different food to try to figure out where the Aztecs originated from. Mrs White managed to appear just in time for tasting the dark chocolate!!Once they had figured out the country of origin they identified the country in an atlas. Papaya, avacado and even guava was tried but not all was liked!
Year 6

Thursday 2 September 2010

Welcome back!

A big welcome back to everyone at the start of this term and hello to our new year 3's! We hope you will enjoy staying in touch with what is going on in school with our blog site.