Friday 28 May 2010

Super Performances

To finish off our Arts week all the children took part in various performances throughout the afternoon, which included: dance, drumming, recorder playing, singing and poetry reading. All the wonderful art work, created during the week, was displayed and shared with family and friends.

Thursday 27 May 2010

Year 6 Sculpture Experience

Yesterday, Year 6 walked around the 4.5 mile Sculpture trail to gather inspiration for their own sculptures using natural materials from the Forest of Dean.

TODAY, so that we could create our ideas, we went to collect natural materials .
ck out our superb sculptures.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Arts week day out!

The Cathedral

Melissa's Swing was enjoyed by all!

The Giants Chair!

The adventure playground.

A new member of Yr4?!

As part of the arts week, year 4 went to visit Symmonds Yat rock to be inspired by the view of the river. They then went to the sculpture trail to see how other artists have used the Forest of Dean for the inspiration for their art work.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Faith Bebbington

Year 5 have been lucky enough to work with a fantastic artisit named Faith Bebbington. Today we made model people and even dressed them! We only used two pieces of wire, newspaper and tape! Tomorrow we are finishing our amazing sculptures and you will be able to see the completed sculpture on our Music, Drama and Art afternoon on Friday!! Thankyou Faith for an excellent and excting day!
Year 5

Friday 21 May 2010

Keeping their finger on the pulse...

Today class 5 performed their assembly all about the heart.

The assembly started off with an extreme workout, with a rather energetic aerobics instructor...

Followed by an explanation about how the human heart worked (with some rather mad looking scientists) ...

And finally, the class finished off with a Greek tearjerker... all about love (ahhh)!

We think that the class performed the assembly with a good mix of information and entertainment!

Well done class 5 - you put all your HEART and soul into it!!!

Year 3 The Good Life

As part of Year 3's topic 'The Good Life' they have been digging and planting the various vegetables they have grown from seed in class.

These are just some of the vegetables they have planted: potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, peas, cabbage and lettuce.

They've also planted some 'MAGIC BEANS'!!!!!

Thursday 20 May 2010

Romeo and Juliet

As part of their study on the works of William Shakespeare, Year 6 produced a super assembly today, performing the tragic story of Romeo and Juliet to an enthralled audience! All the children performed brilliantly and everyone was entertained by some appropriately tragic music chosen by Mr Barrow!
Well done everyone! Hope you enjoy the photos!

The Prince of Verona warning his people that he will tolerate no more fighting between the Capulets and the Montagues.

The Prince of Verona played by Daniel

Romeo and Tybalt cross swords with tragic consequences.

Romeo and Tybalt played by Thys and Jack

The tragedy unfolds as Romeo takes his life believing that Juliet was already dead.
Romeo and Juliet played by Thys and Amy.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Year 6 Maths

Year 6 maths have been making tetrahedron pets for their homework. They've even made baby ones!
Aren't they cute?!

Friday 14 May 2010

Amazing Achievements

Well done to Courtney who has achieved her WHITE belt in Kick Boxing!

Congratulations to Callum and Madison for gaining their GREEN belt at Broadwell Karate club.

Well done Jamie and Jordan, Runners-up in the rugby tournament.

Alanah and Amelia have earned their next badge from St.John Ambulance. They are both now Adventure Badgers.~ congratulations.

Thursday 13 May 2010

The Heart!

Year 5 have been looking at the heart. Ms Beard and Mrs Hoare kindly drew a heart on the playground and we travelled around the heart pretending to be oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. We clicked our fingers to create a pulse for our heart.
Molly said 'It was really fun and I learnt quite alot'.
Nathan thought 'It was a really good learning activity which was fun'.
Brodie said 'It was interesting and excellent at the same time'.
Lizzie said 'It was a fun way of learning'.
Fab fact ~ Did you know an average heart beats 100 000 times a day!!!!

Saturday 8 May 2010

Year 6 Screen Printing

Year 6 have been looking at the technique of silk screen printing. This was used by Andy Warhol to create images of celebrities during the 1960's. We have created our own images of famous actors and actresses of our era.

Class 3 Rainbow fish

Class 3 have been reading the story of the Rainbow Fish. The story has inspired their artwork. Using recycled materials they have made their own rainbow fish collages. Here are just a few of them:

Emily Forestt

Alanah Jarred

Chick out our visitors!!!

Here are class 3 enjoying meeting the chicks that Millie and Ruby (year 3) brought in for the whole school to see. We loved seeing them, as I'm sure everyone else did, and would like to say a huge thank you to the girls and their mum for bringing them in for us to see.

Everyone got to meet 'Chick-a-lee'