Wednesday 28 April 2010

Tennis Coaching

Following the tennis course Mr.Rodway attended, as well as getting free equipment, we also have five Wednesday morning coaching sessions. All classes will have 2 sessions each.

Class 3 had their first training session today and they LOVED it!

Listening carefully to 'Coach' and testing our control.

Coach demonstrated how to play.

We all had a little game.

Monday 26 April 2010

Year 5 Puzzle Day!

Today year 5 spent the day at Lakers School on a puzzle day!

The day was all about working together as teams, learning about Lakers school and having some fun! The day involved maths problems, a recycled fashion show and a quiz tour of the school.

Here are some pictures of what we got up to.
Presenting our fashion show! Advertising our new designs

Sam's new get up! Looking lovely girls!

Friday 23 April 2010

Rainbow Groups~ Cooperation Games

Come on Orange group!!

Mrs.Martin cheering the Green group on!

The blue group on their way to winning!

This afternoon Rainbow groups were talking about what is cooperation. Green, blue and orange groups went outside to work as a team to solve the challenge of passing a hoop without breaking the chain of holding hands. They had to work as a team to pass the hoop down the line as quickly as possible. A competition was held to see which group could complete the task the quickest~ Blue group (with Mrs.Moore cheering them on!!!!) won the first round. Green group (with Mrs. Martin and Mrs.Timmins) then had a brilliant idea of how to complete the challenge in a different way~ they followed the hoop along the line using the first person (who had a free hand) to help. Second round was won by the green group!!!! Congratulations to Mrs.Egginton's orange group, who despite not winning continued to work as a team and had excellent team spirit.

New Tennis Equipment!

Class 3 with the new Tennis equipment.

Lee said ' The tennis rackets are cool'.

Harri said 'The new equipment makes me play better'

Class 3 would like to say a huge thank you to Mr.Rodway who brought lots of new tennis equipment back from a course he went on. They had great fun playing tennis with a real net and super rackets.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Class 3: The River Game

Class 3 were set the challenge of crossing an imaginary river using a set of hoops. The children had to use one smaller hoop to link the larger hoops together. However they had to get everyone across and were not allowed to throw the small hoop.

Good problem solving skills!
Quick pass the hoop here!

Working together as a team to get everyone across 'the river'!

Class 3 Design and Technology

Here are just a few of our amazing pirate purses that we completed last term. The children worked extremely hard with their sewing skills to make them. The stick on jewels were a favourite with some of the children as you can see from the picture above! Some children were glad that they had added the message of 'Keep Out' because at the end of the term the purses had a visit from the Easter bunny who kindly left chocolate coins inside them for the children.
A number of children added their initials~super sewing! The children (and Mrs.Moore) would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs.Howe and Mrs. Ward who very kindly gave their time to help with the sewing sessions.
Mrs. Moore

Monday 19 April 2010

A Fresh Start

Today, year 5, received the Olympic torch from year 6. They proudly strolled around the school grounds holding the olympic torch with pride. They were honoured that they could hold something so great!
Year 5 have researched what Greece is like as a country today and created some tourist guides.
Keep a look out on the blog for more information about our Olympic theme.
Thanks Year 5